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Congratulations! You have solved the case and found the real criminal. Justice has been served! Below you can see all the details of this case.
The Victim
Robert Kohler, 53 years old, head of the Polar Station, meteorologist, an American citizen. A lot of people didn’t like him, and there were reasons for that. But who had a motive to kill him?
The Suspects
Maria Macias Prado
36 years old, the doctor of the polar station, the only woman in the expedition, from Chile. Married to Raul Ojedo Toledo, the station mechanic. She had a love affair with Robert Kohler but wanted to end it. Robert blackmailed her, which led to a big argument. She was the last person to see Robert alive.
Raul Ojedo Toledo
40 years old, the station mechanic and Maria’s husband, a Chilean citizen. It’s possible that he knew about the affair between Maria and Robert. It wouldn’t be surprising if in a fit of jealousy, he killed his wife’s lover. In addition, the size of Raul’s foot (medical file/delivery document from Sep 2.) fits to the size of the footprint trace in the room.
Stefan Kraus
37 years old, cook at the polar station, a German citizen. He had a problem with gambling. On some evenings, team members would gather around the big kitchen table and play poker. Many knew that Stefan had lost everything he earned during the expedition to Robert. He asked Robert to return the stake to him because his brother needed the money for an expensive medical treatment. But Robert refused.
Thomas Schneider
41 years old, biologist, an American citizen. He is participating in the expedition to gather various findings for his scientific project. However, Robert has discovered that Thomas has manipulated facts in order to confirm his scientific theory and thus to win the prestigious Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences ($3,000,000). Robert told Thomas that he would not participate in the lies and would reveal the truth. The motive is obvious.
Chris Johnson
33 years old, electrician, an Australian citizen. He had an accident, so he had to leave the expedition. The expedition was without an electrician.
Klaus Neumann
40 years old, glaciologist, a German citizen. He was the only one who had no quarrels or conflicts with the murder victim, but his grandmother’s letter and the newspaper article about the death of a billionaire suggest that the inheritance issue could be a strong motive. Maria met him at the time of the murder and he could be a suspect.
Martin Moor
29 years old, station programmer, prime suspect, a US citizen. He seems to have a drug problem. At the beginning of the expedition, he notified Robert about the loss of his luggage. This could mean that he lost his drugs as well, which made him steal the morphine from the first shipment. Robert threatened to call the police. This could be a motive.
How Was the Murder Planned?
The lights in the medical area were turned off manually from the fuse box in the technical room. This caused Maria to leave the room. After she left, the killer covered the security camera with chewing gum and put a paper clip into a socket in the medical area, which is why Maria could not turn the fuse back in. She spent some time repairing it, but after not having any success she went to look for a flashlight. It also took her some time to go to the maintenance room. All this gave the killer enough time to reach his target.
Time and Method of the Murder
On the monitor images you can see the time when Robert’s vital signs noticeably deteriorated – at 9:11 p.m. At 9:17 p.m. death is presumed to have occurred. From the autopsy report, we learn that the effect of the drug Anduran, whose overdose killed Kohler, was practically instantaneous.

From the text conversation it is clear that Maria was cheating on Raul (she mentioned that her husband is from South America and Raul is the only one from there). If you call the number found in the text conversation, you will find that the number belongs to Robert.
The answering machine gives Kohler’s email address (kohler@pole-explorer.org). On the website www.pole-explorer.org you can use the access data to access the emails of the person killed. But you need the password to do so. Robert has just started to learn the basics of programming and was occupied with binary code. He used this code to encrypt his password, which was “jagger62”.

On the surveillance camera you can see Maria walking down the corridor at 09:03:55 p.m. That’s the first movement detected after 9 p.m., which is six to seven minutes before the lethal injection.

In theory, she could have walked around the station, passed the store room and the utility room and covered the camera with chewing gum, but she would not be able not turn off the lights in the utility room by herself.
This is indicated by a technical malfunction on Maria’s computer, which occurred at 21:01.

This means that Maria's statement was correct and that she has an alibi.
From Maria’s interrogation protocol, one can see that Raul was near the radio tower at the time of Robert’s death. The satellite photo from September 5th clearly shows a snowmobile. But how can you determine the time? From Kohler’s e-mail communication, it indicates that the unloading of the supply shipment took place at 9:05 p.m. If you compare the shadow from the radio towers on 02/09. and 05/09. you can see that the pictures were taken at about the same time. The picture taken on 02/09. with the helicopter on the base station confirms that the helicopter on the previous picture actually flew in the direction of the polar station for unloading.
The general recording indicates that Raul (all others were at the station) could not have covered a distance of about 20 km with a snowmobile in a short time and must have been outside the base station at the time of the murder.
So, despite the fact that the size of Raul’s foot (medical file/delivery document from Sep 2. with shoe insoles Happy2feet size 44) fits to the size of trace in the room, he has a clear alibi.

In the newspaper article you can find Stefan’s Instagram account.
The cook took a selfie on the day the expedition leader was killed. In the photo you can see an advertisement of Stefan’s favorite show and he mentioned that he would watch the show soon. According to the TV timetable, the show started at 21:05. That means Stefan did not have time to turn off the lights in the utility room and commit the murder.
The cook is therefore not guilty.

In the letter, Klaus’ grandmother asks him to settle the inheritance matters. The grandmother’s last name is also Kohler, just like the last name of the murder victim. A newspaper article reports the death of billionaire Kohler in a plane crash. Isn’t that the case that the grandmother mentioned in her letter? Maybe Klaus had a motive for the murder after all.
By analyzing the facts, we come to the following conclusion: the grandmother’s letter (August 14, 2018) was sent before the plane crash (September 1, 2018), which is why the inheritance matter she mentioned is not connected with the billionaire’s death. The accident also happened shortly before the delivery (September 2, 2018) and was published in the newspaper that was delivered on the same day (September 2, 2018) when Anduran was stolen.
Therefore, Klaus had neither a motive nor the time to plan the murder.

Martin is the prime suspect. The polygraph raises a few doubts, indicating that he himself did not kill Robert, but stole the syringe and morphine from the first shipment, not the second. He also had an argument with Robert, who accused him of stealing and threatened to report him to the police.
The consulate’s files contain information that the chewing gum pack found at Martin’s house is the only one in the station whose packaging was opened. This is not surprising, as the chewing gum was not delivered to the station until September 2 (see the information regarding the delivery of September 2). The team probably did not have time to use it yet.
From the court records we learn that Martin is allergic to the dye E171. The same dye is also found in chewing gum.
From the court records we learn that Martin is allergic to the dye E171. The same dye is also found in chewing gum.

Therefore, Martin could not have been the one who stuck the chewing gum on the surveillance camera. It was a miracle that Martin was saved from execution.
Apparently, Thomas Schneider manipulates the results of his experiments. Robert informed him that he would report this to the organization www.breakthroughprize.org where Thomas is applying for a grant. This is about 3 million dollars, which is a serious motive for a murder.

Thomas was Martin's roommate, meaning that he could easily steal the syringe.

Maria didn't really see Thomas during the time of the murder, she only saw his clothes.
Considering all these clues, you will find that he is the only one who has a motive but no alibi.
If you access Thomas’ e-mails (schneider@pole-explorer.org) using the password set after the IT update, found in Kohler’s emails, you’ll find his conversation with the breakthroughprize.org employee.

The Anduran ampoule can be seen in the refrigerator. Thomas was sure that nobody could enter his room, (that’s what it says in Robert’s email) but stupidly the stolen medicine can be seen on the photo he sent to the magazine for publication. This last piece of evidence shows that Thomas is most likely to be the murderer.

Thomas was Martin’s roommate; he most likely knew about Martin’s drug addiction and where Martin hid the syringe. When Martin was asleep, he stole the syringe with Martin’s fingerprints and traces of morphine. He pretended to be in the shower and then carried out his plan to turn off the lights and commit the murder. Then he returned and planted the evidence of the murder on Martin.
We would like to remind you that we do not make the final decision about who the murderer is, but only help the police to find a potential suspect. The final decision will be made by the court.
But we are certain of this… Thomas is the murderer.
This case is closed.