BePuzzled = Innovative Collections
Acquired in 1999 from Lombard Marketing, BePuzzled is a puzzle plus and brain teaser line focused on delivering collections of trendy and innovative brands. We focus on designing puzzles for hands-on activities that require a puzzler to think in unconventional ways.
BePuzzled is the only brain teaser brand that offers proprietary collections with innovative designs and varying levels of difficulty to challenge the consumer and grow with each puzzler’s improved skill level. Our 3D puzzles offer challenging collections which encourage puzzlers to build, collect and display their puzzles as works of art.
BePuzzled is the fastest-growing division in University Games over the last three years, and its brands include Original 3D Crystal Puzzles, Hanayama Cast Puzzles, 3D Pixel Puzzles, Smart Egg Labyrinth Puzzles, GearShift Brain Teasers and Classic Mystery Jigsaw Puzzles.